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Announcing the 2024 ADRP Award Winners!

Join us in honoring the remarkable individuals, groups, and organizations who have gone above and beyond, showcasing exceptional service, remarkable achievements, and outstanding leadership in saving lives through blood donation. These winners were formally recognized during ADRP's 2024 Annual Conference St. Louis, Missouri.

Ronald O. Gilcher, MD Award

Billy Weales, President and CEO, The Blood Center in New Orleans, Louisiana

With over 35 years of experience in the blood banking industry, Billy's leadership has brought about significant achievements such as securing new hospital contracts, diversifying revenue streams, and championing innovative software systems. His steadfast dedication to blood banking extends beyond his role at The Blood Center, as evidenced by his active engagement with industry organizations and commitment to community blood centers nationwide. Billy's passion for raising awareness and inspiring action for blood donations has made a positive impact on his community and beyond. Join us in celebrating Billy's exceptional contributions to the recruitment profession and the mission of community blood centers.

Media Partner of the Year
Patti Price, Hubbard Radio in St. Louis, Nominated by ImpactLife

For 40 years, KSHE-95 has been instrumental in supporting local blood drives, with their audience contributing over 5000 donations in 2023 alone. The impact of KSHE-95's partnership with ImpactLife has been substantial, especially during critical periods such as post-Fourth of July and pre-Christmas weeks. The collaborations with Hubbard Radio have not only brought in thousands of donations but have also aided in establishing new donor centers in the St. Louis region. KSHE-95's listeners have demonstrated remarkable engagement, often showing up to blood drives wearing event shirts and seeking photos with the station's on-air staff. This level of involvement has truly made KSHE-95 an indispensable asset to ImpactLife's donor recruitment team. Please join us in congratulating Patti Price and KSHE-95 for their outstanding contribution and well-deserved recognition as the Media Partner of the Year.

School Partner of the Year
Steve Delorenzo, North Hunterdon High School, Nominated by NYBCe

Steve's exceptional dedication and unwavering commitment to the partnership with the New York Blood Center have led to remarkable achievements over the years. Since 1990, under Steve's leadership, the high school has been conducting regular blood drives, including the introduction of a summer "Reunion" Blood drive that has not only garnered over 20,200 pints donated to the New York Blood Center but has also evolved into a cherished community event. His collaboration with the National Honor Society in recruitment and education efforts has been nothing short of exceptional, resulting in approximately 1,000 donations annually. Further exemplifying their commitment, North Hunterdon High School opened its doors for a successful blood drive during the challenging times of COVID-19, ensuring the collection of an outstanding 127 pints from students and the community. Please join us in congratulating Steve Delorenzo and North Hunterdon High School for their outstanding contribution and well-deserved recognition as the School Partner of the Year.

Blood Drive Partner of the Year 
Adam Swenka, Flat Branch Home Loans, Nominated by Community Blood Center of the Ozarks

Adam's journey into blood donation advocacy began before his daughter urgently needed a life-saving blood transfusion. Since then, he has organized numerous successful blood drives and introduced innovative initiatives to encourage individuals to donate more frequently. Adam's dedication has yielded remarkable results. Over the past three years, his advocacy efforts have resulted in an increase in new donors and significantly higher donation frequency among existing donors. In 2022, 1,535 donors committed to the 56-Day Challenge initiated by Adam, and 61% of them successfully completed the challenge. This led to a substantial increase in blood donations, making a real difference in our community.  Adam's impact doesn't stop at organizing blood drives and providing financial support; he has also played a vital role in increasing the visibility of the 56-Day Challenge through various media platforms and personal appearances. Furthermore, his personal commitment as a frequent blood donor, having donated five times in 2023, is a true testament to his passion for the cause. 

Donor Experience Professional of the Year

Kelli Rai Smith, Director of Training and Donor Experience, Versiti

Kelli Rai has played a crucial role in transforming Versiti's donor experience platform, the Versiti Way of Serving, with her visionary leadership and unwavering dedication. Collaborating with a seasoned learning and development consultant, she shaped a platform drawing on over 70 years of blood donation expertise. Through meticulous mapping of the donor journey, Kelli identified pivotal moments shaping the overall donor experience. Her guidance has driven a substantial increase in the net promoter score, thereby elevating donor satisfaction.  In addition to her role in learning and development, Kelli draws on her extensive marketing and donor feedback experience to enrich the Versiti Way of Serving. Her deep understanding of the donor experience has led to the creation of a program not only supporting customer service but also fostering a mindset of service, ensuring a memorable experience that encourages donor return.  Kelli's impact extends beyond Versiti, reaching other blood centers through presentations and outreach efforts. 

Rolf Kovenetsky Leader of the Year 

Tracy Smith, Director of Donor Relations and Collections, Canadian Blood Services

Tracy's exceptional leadership skills, including integrity, self-awareness, courage, respect, compassion, and resilience, have set her apart as a true leader in her field. She is dedicated to empowering and leading her teams in Donor Relations and Collections, approaching them with empathy and fostering a customer and team member focus. Under Tracy's leadership, her teams are encouraged to take advantage of training opportunities and are provided with the necessary tools to exceed expectations in delivering products and services. Tracy's commitment to understanding and resolving any obstacles that may stand in the way of her team's success is evident in her proactive approach to problem-solving. She creates a psychologically safe environment that promotes critical thinking and open communication, always leading with kindness and empathy.

ADRP Volunteer of the Year 

Brad Terry, Center Communications Supervisor, Community Blood Center of the Ozarks 

Brad has been an integral part of the ADRP Conference committee since 2019, demonstrating his wholehearted dedication to the advancement of ADRP's initiatives. Even in the face of unprecedented challenges, such as the conference being delayed and transitioned to a virtual format in 2020, followed by further delays in 2021 due to the pandemic, Brad's steadfast and unwavering commitment to the conference planning process has been truly remarkable. His willingness to offer support in any capacity needed, coupled with his proactive involvement both on-site and virtually, has embodied the spirit of volunteerism and collaboration that ADRP holds dear. In addition to his behind-the-scenes contributions, Brad has also served as a moderator for several ADRP sessions, further amplifying his impact within our community. Brad's selfless dedication and demonstrated leadership qualities have made significant contributions to the ADRP community.

Franzmeier Lifetime Achievement Award 

JB Gaskins, President and Chief Executive Officer for Blood Assurance

JB's remarkable journey in the blood banking industry began in 1980 as a part-time phlebotomist while attending college. Over the course of four decades, he has held various roles, including phlebotomist, recruiter, regional and executive director, VP of operations, and now President and CEO. JB's dedication and passion for his work have left a lasting impact on both the association and the industry. Beyond his professional accomplishments, JB has been an invaluable mentor and friend to numerous staff members and a longtime supporter of ADRP. His military career, retiring as a Lieutenant Colonel from the US Army Reserve after 30 years, speaks volumes about his unwavering commitment and leadership. His experience in the Logistics Branch and his deployments to various parts of the world highlight his exceptional service to our country.

© 2024 ADRP     All Rights Reserved. 

ADRP: The Association for Blood Donor Professionals is a 501(c)6 non-profit organization.

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